Transcending Through Tunnels

In fifteen years of its significant presence B.T.Patil & Sons Belgaum (Construction) Pvt Ltd. Has been making long strides in tunnelling and underground construction.
A proud & vibrant tunnelling construction company, founded by Shri Jayant B. Patil, Balasaheb B. Patil, &Bapusaheb B. Patil in the year of 1988, BTP is contributing with guts and determination for the cause of infrastructure development which has been a key work in economic progress of the country, especially after embarking on liberalization programme.
May it be Power, Irrigation & Water Supply, Railways tunnelling through mountains has been a challenging task that BTP has always accepted through its conscientious, trained and hard working team of 2000.
BTP is committed to attain excellence in every field that requires commitment & vision in years to come.
While India is passing through extremely competitive phase of globalization young BTP is looking forward to enormous opportunities in its self-selected challenging and difficult path of being the harbouring of infrastructural development through tunneling and underground construction. The company has diversified into future's biggest industry of Road Construction.

National & International Honours

BTP, a name fast becoming synonymous with tunneling in the last decade and a half has acquired accolades a plenty, like.

National records / Achievements

* Tunnel excavation progress of 168 m/month on a single face on Koyna Hydro Electric Project (1995)
* Tunnel excavation progress of 236m /month on a single face on Jath Tunnel (M.K.V.D.C 2001).
* 196.5 m/per face through shaft in one month while working on Bhima Sina Link Tunnel (M.K.V.D.C 1999)
* 330 m through one shaft in one month.
* 1183 m per month on a single tunnel.
* 10548 m in one year on a single tunnel.
* 8,48,000 cum of Underground Excavation through shaft on a single Tunnel

* Executing four blasts in 24 hours while working on Tike tunnel of Konkan Railway.
* World Tunneling" an international magazine dedicated to underground construction has featured BTP time and again in their issues citing our achievements.

Awareness : Ecological/ Managerial

Perennially conscious of the environmental disaster that accompanies infrastructure development process; shaft and adit techniques have been applied most of the times by BTP keeping this view in mind.
While constructing Tike tunnel on Konkan Railway through sound basalt strata, trees and plants 107 meters above remained unperturbed yet the 3072-m tunnel has been kept cool and fresh through scientifically designed ventilation system; is one of many examples.
Total Quality Management and technical development are built-in characters of BTP.A network of licensed centralized wireless communication system connecting all the construction sisters and vehicles established several years before the advert of cell-phones in India has imbibed habit of quick and efficient monitoring of the project plans at all levels of the company.
Tunneling and construction work of more than 65 kms at diversified locations of hydroelectric projects, irrigation projects and railway projects have proven the metal of BTP, setting it to face the rigours of imminent down to earth competition necessary for improving critical infrastructure for overall economic development.