We've Completed 50+ Years

While India is passing through extremely competitive phase of globalization young BTP is looking forward to enormous opportunities in its self-selected challenging and difficult path of being the harbouring of infrastructural development through tunnelling and underground construction.

Our Mission

Floodgates of progress are open to each true competitor anywhere in the world as globalisation is in its crucial stage. India is already on the long-term, high growth track and requires massive infrastructure development to withstand in race.

BTP has proven the capacity to compete by creating records at national and world level time and again, in core field of tunnelling. Planning to diversify and have tie-ups with experienced companies around the world BTP is set to offer world-class expertise in tunnelling and underground construction.

After excelling in the extremely difficult and dangerous execution of constructing tunnel, embarking on the road construction projects is undoubtedly easier for those who have been working underground, but never suffocating while preserving the ecological balance. An US $18-million company today. BTP with an unabating quest for betterment, is set to grow by leaps and bounds.

Our Vision

To be sought out as the recognized and trusted firm in the industry and community. retaining, developing and attracting the best in commited construction leadership and to drive deliberate and intelligent growth of the company.

Our Process

Hydro Projects

The most common type of hydroelectric power plant is an impoundment facility. An impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity.

Valley Projects

Multipurpose river valley project are basically designed for the development of irrigation for agriculture and electricity through the construction of dams. Initially, dams were built only for storing rain water to prevent flooding but now it became multipurpose

Hydro-Electric Projects

Hydropower plants are planned, constructed, and operated to meet human needs: electricity generation, irrigated agricultural production, flood control, public and industrial water supply, drinking water supply, and various other purposes.

Our Portfolio