Tilari Hydro-Electric Project

“TILLARI” is one of the west flowing rivers in the Southern part of Maharashtra State. It rises in the Western Ghat plateau of the Sahyadri Mountain, near village Tudiye, in Chandgad Taluka of Kolhapur District; and flows westwards, on way, dropping down, through a fall of about 650 meters, in the Konkan and finally joins the Arabian sea in the Goa State. Tillari Hydro Electric Project has been planned by the Government of Maharashtra to take advantage of this natural fall for generation of Hydro Power. However the tail waters will be used for irrigating the lands in the State of Maharashtra and Goa.


The main storage for Tillari Hydro Electric Project is formed by Construction of a masonry dam, 38m high, across the Tillari River near village Dhamne, with a capacity of about 113m. cumec (4 T.M.C.) The impounded water will be led through a "Power Canal” 15 km. in length to a balancing reservoir formed by construction of a Forebay Dam (in masonry), near village Kodali.

The water conductor system from the Forebay dam onwards consists of a 1233m long. Head Race Tunnel, 380m long open penstock, followed by 758 M. long underground pressure shaft, leading water into an underground Power House, located about 300m below ground level. One 60 MW generator coupled to a Pelton-wheel type tail waters after generation of power, are taken out through a 4815m long Tail Race Tunnel and 1105m long open tail Race Channel to river "Kharari”, which finally joins river Tillari.

The underground Power House is approachable through 833m long Approach Tunnel and ventilated through 500m long Ventilation Tunnel. The main Switchyard is located near Approach Tunnel Portal.

1) Location
a) Village : Kodali
b) Taluka : Chandgad
c) District: Kolhapur
2) Catchment Area
a) Main Dam : 47.00 Sq. K.M.
b) Forebay Dam :2.22 Sq. K.M.
3) Annual Average Rainfall : 2920 Milli meters 4) Gross Storage Capacity
a) Main Dam : 113.26 Million cu. M (4 T.M.C.)
b) Forebay Dam : 2.09 Million CU. M. (0.074 T.M.C.)
5) Annual Utilisation
a) Main Dam : 104.24 Million cu. M. (3.68 T.M.C.)
b) Forebay Dam : 7.47 Million cu. M (0.26 T.M.C.)
6) Type of Dam
a) Main Dam : Stone Masonry
b) Forebay Dam : Stone Masonry
7) Maximum height above deepest foundation level
a) Main Dam : 38.05 M.
b) Forebay Dam : 23.24 M.
8) Total length of Dam at top
a) Main Dam : 485.00 M.
b) Forebay Dam : 350.00 M.
9) Spilway crest Gates
a) Main Dam : 3 Nos. 12.00 M. x 5.00 M.
b) Foreby Dam : 4 Nos. 6.00 M. x 2.00 M. (Godbole Automatic Tilting)
10) Power Canal
a) Total length : 15 Kilometers
b) Design capacity : 7.90 cu. M. per second
c) Length of Tunnel in Km 13 : 675 M.
d) Size : 6.3 M. x 4.4 M.
11) Head Race Tunnel
a) Length : 1233 M.
b) Size : 2.50 M. x 2.50 M. ('D'-shape)
12) Surface pen stock
a) Length : 380 M.
b) Diameter : 2.20 M.
13) Pressure shaft
a) Length : 758.00 M.
b) Diameter : 1.95 M. to 1.90 M.
c) Slope : 1:1 (45)
d) Inter Adit : Lengh 388 M.
14) Approach Tunnel to Power House
a) Length : 833 M.
b) Size : 7.40 M x 5.90 M. (“D'-shape)
15) Underground Power House
a) Size of Machine : 41.65 M x 15.30
Hall M x 23.35 M.
b) Installed capacity : 60 MW one Generator
c) Type of turbine : Pelton wheel
16) Ventilation Tunnel
a) Lengh : 504 M.
b) Size : 2.50 M x 2.50 M ('D'-shape)
17) Switch Yard
a) Location : Near Approach Tunnel
E) Size : 100 M x 70 M.
18) Tail Race Tunnel
a) Length : 4815 M.
b) Size : 4.30 M X 4.70 M. ('D'-shape)
c) Inter Adit (T.R.T.) Length: 622 M
19) Tail Race Channel
a) Length : 1105 M.
b) Bed Width :4.30 M.
20) Other
a) Annual Power Generation : 163.22 Million units
b) Cost of installations : Rs. 9207 per K.W.

*Abstract of the works carried out by M/s B.T. Patil and Sons, Belgaum, on different elements of Tillari Hydro Electric Project

1. Excavation for tunneling : 1,48,000 Cum.
2. Concrete for tunnel lining : 28,660 Cum.
3. Structural fabrication of tunnel supports : 367 Tonne
4. Mild Steel/Tor Steel reinforcement : 290 Tonne
5. Mild Steel Anchors : 47 Tonne
6. Rock Bolts : 1,625 Rmt.
7. The total financial outlay 1980 SR : 496.00 Lakhs

Tillari Hydro-Electric Project 1x 60 MW

The Construction of TILLARI HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT heralds the fulfilment of a long cherished dream of millions of people of Konkan belt. Its completion boosted Social, Economic & Industrial advancement of the entire area. Salient features of TILLARI HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT : 60 MW
executed are:
The main water storage for Tillari Hydro Electric Project is formed by Construction of a masonry dam, 38m high, across the Tillari River near village Dhamne, with a capacity of about 113m. cum (4 T.M.C.) The impounded water will be led through a “Power Canal" 15 km. in length to balancing reservoir formed by construction of a Forebay Dam (in masonry).

Tillari Hydro-Electric Project Isometric view

The water conductor system from the Forebay dam onwards consists of a 1233m long Head Race Tunnel, 380m long open penstock, followed by 758m. long underground pressure shaft, leading water into an underground Power House, located about 300m below ground level. One 60 MW generator coupled to a Peleton-wheel.
Water, after generation of power, is taken out through a 4815m long Tail Race Tunnel and 1105m long open tail Race Channel to river "Kharari", which finally joins river Tillari, The underground Power House is approachable through 833m long Approach Tunnel and ventilated through 500m long Ventilation Tunnel. The main Switchyard is located near Approach Tunnel Portal.

UnderGround Machine Hall
Tillari Hydro-Electric Project
Length : 41.65m
Width : 15.3m
Height : 23.35m

Approach Tunnel entrance Portal

TRT Adit Gate